CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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Copyright (c) 1986 Universal Technical Systems, Inc.
NOTE: Items marked with (*) are available in TK Solver Plus
but not in FREETK.
(*) F7 PLOT (*) F8 TABLE
[xyz] Key with xyz designation
[LEFT] Left Arrow key
[RIGHT] Right Arrow key
[UP] Up Arrow key
[DOWN] Down Arrow key
[BACKSP] Backspace key
[TAB] Tab key
[Enter] Enter key
Navigation Commands
[UP] Moves cursor up
[DOWN] Moves cursor down
[LEFT] Moves cursor left
[RIGHT] Moves cursor right
[TAB] Moves cursor to leftmost field
[Shift][TAB] Moves cursor to rightmost field
[Home] Moves cursor to top of sheet
[End] Moves cursor to end of sheet
[PgUp] Scrolls cursor up N-2 lines
Displays preceding page in the Help index
[PgDn] Scrolls cursor down N-2 lines
Displays next page in the Help index
Note: N is the number of lines in the current window
(*) : The Goto command moves cursor to specified row and
column (e.g., :5s to go to 5th row of Status field).
= The Select command displays the specified sheet in
current window:
V Variable (*) L List
R Rule (*) P Plot
(*) F Function (*) T Table
U Unit (*) N Numeric Format
(*) G Global
> The Dive command:
Brings up a relevant subsheet in the current window
Brings up a subdirectory in Disk Index
< The Return command:
Brings back original sheet or subsheet
Brings back the parent directory in Disk Index
; The Switch command moves cursor between windows
Special Keys
[Ins] Inserts one row at current cursor position
[Ctrl-Break] Cancels current command or entry
Single-key commands
! The Action command
Variable & Rule Sheets: Solves model (same as F9)
(*) List Subsheet & List Function Subsheet: Fills in list
values between first and last values
(*) Plot Sheet & Plot Subsheet: Displays plot
(*) Table Sheet & Table Subsheet: Produces table
Ctrl-E The Edit command calls the in-field editor (same as F5)
? The Help command brings up on-line Help (same as F1)
Slash Commands
/W Window command
1 Unsplits the screen, displaying the current sheet
in a single window (same as F6)
Other options split the screen, upper window retaining
current sheet and lower window displaying:
V Variable Sheet (*) L List Sheet
R Rule Sheet (*) P Plot Sheet
(*) F Function Sheet (*) T Table Sheet
U Unit Sheet (*) N Numeric Format Sheet
(*) G Global Sheet
/B Blank command blanks specified range of fields in one column
/C Copy command copies specified range of fields to specified
/D Delete command deletes specified range of rows
/I Insert command inserts blank rows at current row
/M Move command moves specified range of rows to specified
(*) /L List command acts on associated lists
L List Solve
B Block Solve
P Put Element
G Get Element
/S Storage command
L Loads file with entire model or parts of model,
appending contents onto current model (if any)
S Saves entire model
V Saves Variable Sheet and Variable Subsheets
(*) saves specified range of rows when called from
Variable Sheet
U Saves Unit Sheet
(*) saves specified range of unit conversions when
called from Unit Sheet
(*) F Saves Function Sheet, Function Subsheets and related
List Subsheets; saves specified range of Function
Subsheets and related List Subsheets if called from
Function Sheet
(*) N Saves the Numeric Format Sheet and Numeric Format
Subsheets; saves specified range of numeric formats if
called from Numeric Format Sheet
(*) P Saves the Plot Sheet and Plot Subsheets; saves
specified range of plots if called from Plot Sheet
(*) T Saves the Table Sheet and Table Subsheets; saves
specified range of tables if called from Table Sheet
(*) C Saves configuration file under TK.CFG
(*) # DIF storage: saves and loads files in DIF format
(*) A ASCII storage: saves and loads data in ASCII format
(*) W WKS storage: saves and loads files in Lotus 1-2-3 (R)
Note: #, A and W offer specific options:
S Saves data from List Subsheets; saves speci-
fied range of lists if called from List Sheet
L Loads data into lists
/P Print command prints specified range of rows from a sheet
/E eXamine command
V opens the Prompt/Error line for specifying a variable
whose value will be displayed
E opens the Prompt/Error line for typing in an expression
to be evaluated
C copies the contents of a field under the cursor to the
Prompt/Error line (to be edited into an expression and
/R Reset command resets specified portions of TK (must be
V Resets variable values
S Resets current sheet
A Resets all sheets
/Q Quit command quits TK (must be confirmed)
is entered at the current cursor position
- by pressing F5
- automatically when attempted entry is found in error
[Right] Moves cursor right for one space
[Left] Moves cursor left for one space
[TAB] Moves cursor right to the next right tab position
[Shift][TAB] Moves cursor left to the next left tab position
[UP], [PgUp] or [Home] Moves cue to beginning of line
[Down], [PgDn] or [End] Moves cue to end of line
[Del] Deletes a character to right of cue
[BACKSP] Deletes character to left of cue
F2 Exits editor, restores previous field contents
[ENTER] Enters the edited field contents, exits editor
To enter information into a field, type it in and press [Enter] or a
navigation key (i.e. [UP], [DOWN], [RIGHT], [Home], [PgUp] etc). The
navigation keys move the cursor following a successful entry. If the
entry is invalid for the current field, the in-field editor will be
invoked. The cue moves to the suspected problem spot and an error
message appears in the Prompt/Error line.
Entries must conform to the following TK syntax conventions:
TK Names
Variable names, list names and function names:
- can be up to 200 characters long
- can consist of letters (including international letters, ASCII
values 128-154 and 160-165; Greek letters, ASCII values
224-238), digits, and special characters @ # $ % _
- cannot begin with a digit or contain blanks
- are case-sensitive, i.e. RESULT, Result, and result are all
different names (except that names of built-in functions or
special words, such as IF or THEN, are not case-sensitive)
- must be unique within a Name field of a sheet
Examples: VAR x days_week x$a c2@lib
Numeric values or constants:
numbers with an absolute value between 1E-307 and 1E308, or 0
Examples: +2.3 .7 -83 1E7
3. 14159 -5.3E-2
Symbolic values or constants:
any TK name preceded by an apostrophe
Examples: 'abc 'CATS 'dogs 'a_z
numeric constants, symbolic constants, variable names, function
references, list elements, arithmetic expressions, relational
expressions, logical expressions and complex numbers.
Examples: 1987 'pet profit sin(x)
(*)'a[3] A > B NOT(bad) (z,jz)
Arithmetic expressions
an arithmetic expression can be any expression preceded by unary
+ or -, or two expressions linked by an arithmetic operator (+ -
* / ^). The constituent expressions (operands) must evaluate
into numeric values.
arithmetic operators are (in order of precedence):
Exponentiation ^
Unary plus and minus + -
Multiplication and Division * /
Addition and Subtraction + -
Examples: -5 t^2 sin(x)/x 4^2^3 (evaluates into 65536)
Note: Operations at the same precedence level are performed
from left to right except for series of exponentiations,
which are performed from right to left (see example).
The order of operations may be controlled by parentheses.
Relational expressions
a relational expression has a numerical value 1 (true) or 0
(false), and has the form two expressions linked by a
relational operator.
relational operators are:
Equal =
Greater Than >
Greater Than or Equal >= or =>
Less Than <
Less Than or Equal <= or =<
Not Equal <> or ><
Examples: A >= B alpha = 90 animal <> 'dog
Note: Relational operators have lower order of precedence
than arithmetic operators; e.g. 5+6<4*3, (5+6<4)*3
and 5+(6<4)*3 evaluates respectively to 1, 0 and 5
Logical expressions
a logical expression can be a relational expression, a Boolean
function, or any other expression that evaluates into 1 (true)
or 0 (false)
Examples: revenue>cost AND(big,fat) abs(sgn(x))
Complex expressions
a complex expression can be a pair of numeric expressions
representing a complex number, an arithmetic operation on
complex numbers, or a function that evaluates into a pair of
numeric values.
Examples: (3,4) (R,w*L-1/w*C) (a,b)*(c,d) POWER((e,f),n)
Note: (x,y) is TK representation of the complex number
x + i*y , where i is square root of -1
Unconditional rules have the form
expression = expression
Examples: area = pi()*R^2 a + b = c*d
x^2 + y^2 = z^2 flag = b^2 > 4*a*c
(p,q)+(u,v) = rcis(R,phi)
Conditional rules have the forms
IF logical expression THEN unconditional rule
(*) IF logical expr. THEN uncond. rule ELSE uncond. rule
Examples: if shape='square then area=side^2 else area=pi()*r^2
x = a = b (same as: if a=b then x=1 else x=0)
(*) List Elements:
Reference to a list element may have the form:
Examples: 'list_a[34] x[num] (when e.g. x='abc and num=6)
Note: ELEMENT function may be used for referencing a list
element in a rule or in the right hand side of a
statement; PLACE function must be used for directing
a value into a list element from a rule, and it may be
used for the same purpose in the left hand side of a
(*) Statements:
Unconditional statements include assignment statements,
branching statements, call statements and return statements.
Conditional Statements are of the form IF-THEN-ELSE
Loop Constructs are of the form FOR-TO-STEP-NEXT
Examples: a:=a+1
GOTO first_line
IF x=y THEN CALL Sum(a,b,c)
FOR i:=1 TO length('R)
Character strings:
Any combination of characters available from the keyboard
(including blanks) or most of the 254 IBM characters that can be
be entered by holding down Alt key and typing appropriate ASCII
value on the numeric keypad. Question marks, if needed, must be
typed as Ctrl-Q, because typing ? invokes on-line Help.
Unit names must be character strings.
Comments must be character strings.
(*) Numeric Formats:
Numeric Format names must be character strings. The "no name" or
blank Numeric Format field implies the default format setting.
Some fields accept only one of a set of options and do not require
[Enter]. The options are listed with the sheet descriptions.
Some fields are used only to display results.
TK uses two solving techniques, the Direct Solver and the Iterative
The Direct Solver:
Solving one equation with the Direct Solver is possible if the
following conditions are met:
1. The unknown variable appears only once
2. The unknown variable is not an argument of a non-invertible
sin(x*y) = z^2 can be resolved for either x, y or z
sin(x*y) = x + z can be resolved for y or z but not
for x
y * abs(x) = mod(z,2) can be resolved for y, but not for x
or z
Solving a set of equations with the Direct Solver:
The Direct Solver solves a set of n equations for n unknowns if
the above conditions are satisfied for each of them and it can
solve one equation after another. The solution process is
facilitated by the fact that the Direct Solver automatically
substitutes newly evaluated variable in all remaining equations.
The Iterative Solver
If the above conditions are not fulfilled, you have to assign a
guess value to one or more unknown variables. The guesses
temporarily play the role of input values so that the Direct
Solver can proceed. These additional inputs make some equations
overdefined (i.e. they generate errors internally). The
Iterative Solver manipulates the guess values until the error
terms fall below the Comparison Tolerance.
The Disk Index lists all files that have an extension appropriate
to the chosen storage command option, and belong to the specified
directory or subdirectory .
To Access the Disk Index:
* Press F3 to load a file, F4 to save a file, or type /S and any
option character. (If you select option /S#, /SW or /SA, you must
type an extra character to specify Save or Load.)
* At this point you may type a drive designator and/or a path
specification and/or wildcards, or none of these.
* Press [Enter] to display the Disk Index.
To convert values between units of measurement, the conversions must
be defined on the Unit Sheet. Conversions may be chained, e.g., if
conversions are defined between meters and feet, and between meters
and centimeters, then TK will perform conversions between feet and
The Numeric Format Sheet allows you to define the appearance of your
numeric values. You can define many different numeric formats and
assign different formats to different variables and/or lists.
Two main categories of functions in TK are:
Built-in functions
(*) User-defined functions
There are three classes of user-defined functions:
Rule functions (i.e. "back-solvable submodels")
Procedure functions (i.e. sequential programs)
List functions (i.e. function represented by two lists of values.)
Four kinds of mappings are available in list functions:
Table lookup
Step mapping
Linear interpolation
Cubic interpolation
There are two ways of invoking a function:
referring to the function in an expressions, e.g.
a + b = log(x)/c
where the function reference plays the role of an expression
calling the function, e.g.
call linsolve(a,b;x)
where the function call stands as a rule (in the Rule Sheet
or in a Rule Function Subsheet) or a statement (in a
Procedure Function Subsheet).
Although specified throughout this reference card in uppercase,
built-in function names are not case sensitive. For example, COS(x)
= Cos(x) = cos(x).
Mathematical Constants
PI() ... 3.141592653589793 pi (ratio of circumference to
E() ... 2.718281828459045 e (base of natural logarithms)
Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
With Arguments/Function Values in Radians
SIN(x) Sine of x
ASIN(x) Arc sine of x
COS(x) Cosine of x
ACOS(x) Arc cosine of x
TAN(x) Tangent of x
ATAN(x) 2-quadrant arc tangent of x
ATAN2(y,x) 4-quadrant arc tangent of y/x
With Arguments/Function Values in Degrees
SIND(x) Sine of x
ASIND(x) Arc sine of x
COSD(x) Cosine of x
ACOSD(x) Arc cosine of x
TAND(x) Tangent of x
ATAND(x) 2-quadrant arc tangent of x
ATAN2D(y,x) 4-quadrant arc tangent of y/x
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
EXP(x) Number e, 2.718281828459045, raised to the xth power
LN(x) Natural (base e) logarithm of x
LOG(x) Common (base 10) logarithm of x
Hyperbolic and Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
SINH(x) Hyperbolic sine of x
ASINH(x) Hyperbolic arc sine of x
COSH(x) Hyperbolic cosine of x
ACOSH(x) Hyperbolic arc cosine of x
TANH(x) Hyperbolic tangent of x
ATANH(x) Hyperbolic arc tangent of x
Other Invertible Mathematical Functions
SQRT(x) Positive square root of x
ROOT(x,n) Root function, nth root of x
ERF(x) Error function (associated with normal
distribution curve)
GAMMA(x) Gamma function, x-1 factorial for integer x>0
Non-Invertible Mathematical Functions
SGN(x) Sign (-1, +1 or 0) of x
ABS(x) Absolute value of x
INT(x) Integer part of x
(*) INTEGER(x) Same as INT
ROUND(x) Nearest integer to x (even rounding)
ROUND(x,y) Value of x even-rounded to the nearest multiple
of y
CEILING(x) Smallest integer value greater than or equal to
the value of x
FLOOR(x) Largest integer value less than or equal to the
value of x
MOD(x,y) Remainder of x/y
(*) MODULUS(x,y) Same as MOD
DIVIDE(x,y) Returns two values: int(x/y) and mod(x,y)
STEP(x,y) Returns 1 if x >= y
0 if x < y
Complex Functions
Calculates the complex number equal to the complex number
(x,y) raised to the nth power
Calculates a complex number in rectangular form equivalent
to the complex number in polar form where x is the radius and
y is the angle in radians
same as RCIS except y is in degrees
Boolean Functions
NOT(x) Boolean NOT
AND(x1,x2,x3,...) Boolean AND
OR(x1,x2,x3,...) Boolean OR
EQV(x,y) 1 (true) if x and y are the same (both 0
or both 1), otherwise 0 (false)
IMPLY(x,y) 0 (false) if x is 1 (true) and x is 0
(false), otherwise 1 (true)
List and Multi-Argument Functions
MAX(x1,x2,x3,...) maximum value among the arguments
MIN(x1,x2,x3,...) minimum value among the arguments
SUM(x1,x2,x3,...) sum of the arguments
(*) COUNT(listname) number of non-blank elements in list
(*) LENGTH(listname) number of elements in list including blanks
(i.e. length of the list)
net present value of a series x1,x2,x3,... of cashflow
values at the interest rate r
(*) DOT(listname,x1,x2,x3,...)
dot product of the list elements with the series of arguments
value of the polynomial at x with x1,x2,x3,... coefficients
starting with the highest order
(*) CHECK(listname) 1 if list listname exists
0 if it does not exist
(*) LISTCOPY(x,y)
copies elements of list x into list y
(*) LISTCOPY(x,y,i)
copies list x starting from ith element to list y
(*) LISTCOPY(x,y,i,j)
copies ith through jth elements of list x to list y
(*) LISTCOPY(x,y,i,j,k)
copies ith through jth elements of list x to list y,
starting at the kth element of list y
(*) MEMBER(x,x1,x2,x3,...)
1 if value of x is among x1,x2,x3,..., otherwise 0
(*) BLANK(listname)
blanks specified list
(*) BLANK(listname,i)
blanks the ith element in specified list
(*) DELETE(listname)
deletes a list from the List Sheet
NOTE: Arguments x1,x2,x3,... may be replaced by a listname in full
TK Solver supporting the list feature.
TK-Specific Functions
(*) ELEMENT - same as ELT
(*) ELT()
returns the element number of current instance during
list solving or block solving
(*) ELT(listname,n)
returns the value of the nth element of the list
(*) ELT(listname,n,expr)
returns the value of the nth element of the list, or,
if blank, the expression expr
(*) PLACE(listname,n)
places a value into the nth element of the list listname
(*) APPLY(functname,x1,x2,x3 ...)
returns the value of the specified function with given
arguments; Example: if fun='SIND then APPLY(fun,90) returns 1
returns the value of the specified variable
Example: if key='phi and phi=15 then VALUE(key) returns 15
Status Functions, short form
returns 1 or 0 if the specified variable is or is not
assigned an input value
returns 1 if the specified variable was evaluated during
current run of the Direct Solver
returns 1 if the specified variable is assigned an input
value or was evaluated during current run of the Direct
EXAMPLE: IF KNOWN('phi) THEN L=phi*rho (i.e. L=phi*rho rule
applies if the variable phi is known)
Status Functions, long form:
returns expr1 if all the specified variables are assigned
input values; else, it returns expr2
returns expr1 if all the specified variables are given or
evaluated; else, it returns expr2
returns expr1 if all the specified variables were evaluated
during current run of the Direct Solver; else it returns
1. Rate = GIVEN('Rate,Rate,10) (i.e. if Rate is assigned an
input value, the rule represents trivial identity Rate=Rate;
else the rule assigns a default value Rate=10)
2. L = KNOWN('phi,phi*rho,0/0) (if phi is known, the rule beco-
mes L=phi*ro; if phi is not known, the rule is ignored)
in the previous paragraph)
3. if GIVEN('phi,'alpha,'beta,1,0) then L= phi*R (i.e. the rule
applies only if all 'phi,'alpha,'beta are given)
Selected by pressing =V
accepts: I puts value into Input field
O puts value into Output field
(*) L associates or dissociates a list with variable
G sets or unsets value as guess for iteration
B blanks value and unsets guess (if set)
displays: > indicates error condition (move cursor over the
mark to see more information on the Status Line
L indicates a list association
G indicates a guess status
input value
variable name
output value
first entry in blank field sets both calculation unit display
unit; subsequent entries change only display unit
comments and reminders; not used for solution
accessed from the Variable Sheet by the Dive command > , gives
more detailed information about a particular variable.
reflects the Status field on the Variable Sheet.
First Guess
value to use as first guess for automatic iteration
(*) Associated List
name of the list of values associated with the variable
Input Value and Output Value
these fields show the same values as in the Variable Sheet
(*) Numeric Format
controls the appearance of an input, output or guess value
displayed on the Variable Sheet or the Variable Subsheet
Display Unit
unit name entered or displayed here is the same as the one in
the Unit field of the Variable Sheet; any entry or change made
in either location is reflected in the other
Calculation Unit
unit used in calculations
the same as in the Variable Sheet
Selected by pressing =R
accepts: C cancels and uncancels the rule
displays: C indicates the rule out of operation
* unsatisfied, indicates unsolved equation
> indicates error (move cursor over the mark to see
more information in the Status line)
blank the equation was solved during the last run of
the solvers
unconditional or conditional rule and/or comment (comment must
be preceded by a quotation mark and is ignored by the solvers)
Selected by pressing =U
Contains definitions of conversions between units of measurement.
unit converted from
unit converted to
Multiply By
conversion factor
Add Offset
a value to be added in order to align scales (e.g. 32 in
converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit); blank for zero offset
Selected by pressing =G
Contains global settings and program defaults
Field Options Default
Display Intermediate Values Y N Y
Stop on List Error Y N N
Use Automatic Iteration Y N Y
Comparison Tolerance any real number >= 0 .000001
Typical Value any real number >= 0 1
Maximum Iteration Count any integer 1 < n < 10,000 10
Global Numeric Format any defined Numeric Format name (BLANK)
Append Variable Names Y N Y
Use Page Breaks Y N Y
Number Pages Y N Y
Form Length any integer 6 < n < 1000 66
Printed Page Length any integer 6 < n < 1000 60
Printed Page Width any integer 6 < n < 200 80
Left Margin any integer 6 < n < 200 0
Printer Device or Filename any valid filename or device name LPT1
Printer Setup String any valid setup string (BLANK)
Use Color Y N Y
Slow Redisplay Y N Y
Solid Line Headings Y N Y
Bottom Prompt Line Y N Y
Note: All the defaults are fixed in FREETK. The last four parameters
may be set up in the optional FREETG.CFG file.
Selected by pressing =L
Contains a summary of all lists
Note: Detailed information about the List Sheet is omitted here as
irrelevant to FREETK.
Accessed by diving (>) from the List Sheet, Variable Subsheet, List
Function Subsheet, Plot Subsheet or Interactive Table.
Holds the values of the list elements and specific information about
the lists.
Note: Detailed information about the List Subsheet is omitted here
as irrelevant to FREETK.
Selected by pressing =F
Contains a summary of all functions defined by the user.
Note: Detailed information about the Function Sheet is omitted
here as irrelevant to FREETK.
Accessed by diving (>) from the Function Sheet or from any place
of reference (rule, statement) to a particular function.
Contains the lists with the function and argument values, and
serves for setting the function Mapping Options:
T Table mapping
S Step mapping
L Linear interpolation
C Cubic interpolation
Note: Detailed information about the List Function Subsheet is
omitted here as irrelevant to FREETK.
Accessed by diving (>) from the Function Sheet or from any place
of reference (rule, statement) to a particular function.
Contains the slate of Parameter, Argument and Result variables, and
the rules constituting the body of the function.
Note: Detailed information about the Rule Function Subsheet is
omitted as irrelevant to FREETK.
Accessed by diving (>) from the Function Sheet or from any place
of reference (rule, statement) to a particular function.
Contains the slate of Parameter, Input and Output variables, and
the statements constituting the body of the function.
Note: Detailed information about the Procedure Function Subsheet is
omitted as irrelevant to FREETK.
Selected by pressing =P
Contains names and titles of all plots (multiple plot definitions
are allowed in a model).
Accessed by diving (>) from the Plot Sheet.
Serves for specifying the lists to be plotted and for setting up
options. The Plot Type options are Line chart, Bar chart and Pie
chart. The Display Mode options are CGA, Hercules and EGA mode.
Note: Detailed information about the Plot Subsheet is omitted here
as irrelevant to FREETK.
Selected by pressing =T
Contains names and titles of all tables (multiple table definitions
are allowed in a model).
Accessed by diving (>) from the Table Sheet
Serves for specifying the lists to be tabulated and for setting up
options. The options are Interactive Table and Output Table.
Note: Detailed information about the Plot Subsheet is omitted here
as irrelevant to FREETK.
Selected by pressing =N
Contains the names of numeric formats used to control individually
the appearance of variable and list values, displayed or printed.
Note: Detailed information about the Numeric Format Sheet is omitted
as irrelevant to FREETK.
Accessed by diving (>) from the Numeric Format Sheet or from the
Numeric Format field in the Variable Sheet, Variable Subsheet, List
Sheet, List Subsheet or Table Subsheet.
Note: FREETK uses the default numeric format. The following
information gives the default settings and shows the scope
of numeric formatting capability in TK Solver Plus.
Numeric Notation
S Scientific notation
D Decimal notation
E Either scientific or decimal notation (default); in this case
TK choses for every value displayed a notation giving the
maximum number of significant digits within the field
Significant Digits
can be any integer between 1 and 20 (default is 15 and TK's
arithmetic limit is 16); when the field holding a numeric value
is covered by the cursor, the value in full precision shows up
on the screen in the 1st or Status line
Decimal Places
can be any integer between 1 and 200; the default is blank,
which means displaying as many digits to the right of the
decimal point as will fit the width of the field and the
Significant Digits setting
fills the spaces from the last significant digit through the
number of decimal places specified in the Decimal Places field.
The padding character options are Zero, Blanks or None (default)
Decimal Point Symbol
any character which is neither a digit nor a letter can be
specified; default is period
Digit Grouping Symbol
separates numeric values into three-digit groupings to the left
of the decimal point; default is a blank field, which disables
digit grouping
Zero Representation
a zero value can be represented by one or more characters which
may include letters, blank spaces and digits; default is 0
+/- Notation
- - only (default)
+ + and -
( negative values enclosed in ()
is one or more characters, such as a dollar sign, which are
displayed before each numeric value; default is no prefix
is one or more characters, such as a percent sign, which are
displayed following each numeric value; default is no suffix
options of Left (default), Right and Centered determine whether
values will be displayed aligned to the left side, to the right
side or in the center of a field
Left Margin Width
is the number of blank spaces in the left margin of the field;
may be any integer from 0 (default) to 200; a prefix and/or a
sign may appear in the margin
Right Margin Width
is the number of blank spaces in the right margin of the field;
may be any integer from 0 (default) to 200; a suffix may appear
in the margin